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Guiding Star Company Limited

Cana Booch Kombucha Lifted Green Tea

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1 Reviews
  • artisanal
  • Free Range
  • fairTrade
  • organic
  • cruelty
  • recycle

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Energizing organic beverage that harbors the power of living probiotics and Vitamin B while accenting a unique green tea flavor, this Lifted Green Tea Kombucha adds six-packs-like strength to that digestive system of yours. From distinctly aromatic highland organic green tea leaves, cane sugar, we infused it with fresh herbs like rosemary and mint note, brew it to perfection in a traditional small batch glass jar fermentation procedure which incorporates organic live culture. Take a sip of Lifted Green Tea Cana Booch Kombucha and prepared to be blown away by the cool touch of herbal winter breeze in your tongue that is good for the body and satisfying to the soul!



0 Reviews


CANA BOOCH KOMBUCHA originates from the believe that when any of nature’s life-giving power is unlocked and extracted, a miraculous transformation in your body is bound to happen. Just like a legend of old that told the story of water turning into fine wine at a small town of Cana.

We are a small but packed with quality kombucha brewery located in the heart of Bangkok, Thailand.

We proudly brew our elixir with conventional small batch glass jar method in order to keep the real characteristic of Kombucha and to make sure that every batch is safe and provide great beneficial product for all clients.

Why choosing CANA BOOCH – Kombucha?

- Manufactured in production facility that is certified GMP (Thai FDA).

- Brewed in Small Batch Glass Jar – Conventional Method.

- Used only USDA Certified Organic Highland Tea Leaf, Quality real cane sugar and adhere to Slow & Cold Pressed Fruit Juice to preserve original freshness and aroma.

- Infusion done with Selected Fruit & Real Herbs.

- Improves digestive system, boost your vitality and replenish your energy.

- Contains antioxidants which results in natural detoxification.

- Non-GMO, Certified Organic and Vegan friendly.



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At HappyLyfe, our mission is to create a curated online marketplace built on trust and transparency, with a deep commitment to both personal and environmental wellness.We help customers discover high - quality, premium products and services that foster a connection with nature and support sustainable lifestyles. Products on HappyLyfe are categorized into six key sensitivities: Organic, Fair Trade, Cruelty - Free, Artisanal, Recycled, and Free Range.This classification helps consumers make informed choices aligned with their values.As an organic online store based in Thailand, we offer sustainable products designed with the well - being of our ecosystem and future generations in mind.

We offer a diverse range of products and services that align with at least one of our criteria—Organic, Fair Trade, Cruelty - Free, Artisanal, Recycled, and Free Range.Our aim is to transform online shopping by moving away from low - quality items that generate waste, harm the environment, and exploit workers.Instead, we provide options that contribute positively to these issues, ensuring easy access to products that enhance health and promote sustainable ecosystems.

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