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Raitong Organics Farm

Organic Riceberry Rice

95฿Size: 1 Kg.
In Stock


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  • artisanal
  • Free Range
  • fairTrade
  • organic
  • cruelty
  • recycle

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Organic Black Rice ( Riceberry) is a new hybrid variety between black fragrant rice ( Homnin ) and Thai Jasmin rice. It is a superfood jam-packed with nutrients, fibre and antioxidants that support your healthy and active lifestyle. Together with the striking black colour, natural sweetness and pleasant texture



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Growing an active and social community of farmers and consumers. With creativity and innovation, Raitong secures the cultivation of organic food in Thailand for future generations. Since 2007, Raitong Organics Farm, has served as a Thai social enterprise developing a strong community of local organic food farmers and customers. By promoting organic and natural farming methods, we improve the well-being and dignity of Thai farmers and ensure that our customers have access to the highest quality and most nutritious foods. We only cultivate, produce, process and sell internationally-accredited and 100% certified organic natural food products. Certified EU and Canadian Organic by the Organic Agriculture Certification of Thailand (ACT) and accredited by IFOAM, we always provide the best.

HappyLyfe (Benefit of our ecosystem and future generations in mind)

At HappyLyfe, our mission is to create a curated online marketplace built on trust and transparency, with a deep commitment to both personal and environmental wellness.We help customers discover high - quality, premium products and services that foster a connection with nature and support sustainable lifestyles. Products on HappyLyfe are categorized into six key sensitivities: Organic, Fair Trade, Cruelty - Free, Artisanal, Recycled, and Free Range.This classification helps consumers make informed choices aligned with their values.As an organic online store based in Thailand, we offer sustainable products designed with the well - being of our ecosystem and future generations in mind.

We offer a diverse range of products and services that align with at least one of our criteria—Organic, Fair Trade, Cruelty - Free, Artisanal, Recycled, and Free Range.Our aim is to transform online shopping by moving away from low - quality items that generate waste, harm the environment, and exploit workers.Instead, we provide options that contribute positively to these issues, ensuring easy access to products that enhance health and promote sustainable ecosystems.

In addition to our commitment to meaningful products, we are dedicated to supporting the broader community through our unique donation wallet.By partnering with various foundations dedicated to important causes, we allow you to earn points while shopping.These points can be used to make direct donations to these organizations, furthering our collective impact on the world.
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