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Lemon Yellow Organic, Citrus limonum (3160), has a fresh, clean, sharp fragrance which is one of the most popular world-wide. The oil is an important addition to any natural first-aid kit due to its antibacterial, and antiseptic properties. It gives helpful respiratory and immune support, and is also useful as a digestive, circulatory and skin support. It can be added to a diffuser or water mister to freshen a sickroom. A great oil for your de-tox programme and to help fight that battle against cellulite! Lemon has a refreshing and uplifting effect on the psyche, and promotes mental clarity. Lemon Organic is a pure therapeutic quality certified organic aromatherapy essential oil from Italy, obtained from the peel of the fruit.
Oshadhi's purpose is to help people reconnect with the healing energy of nature. Oshadhi has the widest range of available essential oils and related products with many hundreds of oils, including quite rare species or cultivars of many plants from around the world.
In addition to essential oils we provide Absolutes (for certain oils that require this process of distillation), Hydrosols (Floral Waters), Synergy Blends, Massage Oils, Carrier Oils, Essential Oil Perfumes, Macerates, Bath and Hair Oils, and Body Care products